Non-Disclosure Agreement Sample

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a legal document that is commonly used to protect confidential and proprietary information from being disclosed by one party to another. These agreements are essential for businesses and organizations to safeguard their intellectual property and confidential information.

If you are looking to create a non-disclosure agreement, it is important to have a sample that outlines the key components of an NDA. In this article, we`ll take a closer look at what you need to know to create a non-disclosure agreement sample that works for your needs.

What is a non-disclosure agreement sample?

A non-disclosure agreement sample is a template or an example of an NDA that outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement between two parties. It is a useful tool for businesses, organizations, and individuals who need to protect their confidential information and trade secrets from being shared with others.

Why is a non-disclosure agreement important?

A non-disclosure agreement is important for several reasons. First and foremost, it protects your intellectual property and confidential information from being shared with others. Second, it helps to establish clear boundaries and expectations between the parties involved. Finally, it provides legal recourse if the terms of the agreement are violated.

What should be included in a non-disclosure agreement sample?

A non-disclosure agreement should include the following information:

1. The parties involved: This includes the names and contact information of both the disclosing party and the receiving party.

2. Definition of confidential information: This section should clearly define what information is considered confidential and proprietary. It should include any trade secrets, proprietary information, or confidential information that the disclosing party wants to protect.

3. Obligations of the receiving party: This section should outline the obligations of the receiving party with regard to the confidential information. This includes how the information can be used, who can access it, and how it should be stored and protected.

4. Exclusions from confidential information: This section should list any information that is not considered confidential. This might include information that is already in the public domain or information that is required by law to be disclosed.

5. Term and termination: This section should specify how long the non-disclosure agreement will be in effect and how it can be terminated.

6. Remedies for breach: This section should outline what actions can be taken if the terms of the agreement are violated. This might include seeking damages or an injunction to stop the receiving party from disclosing the confidential information.

How to use a non-disclosure agreement sample?

To use a non-disclosure agreement sample, you`ll need to customize it to fit your specific needs. This might mean adding or removing certain clauses or modifying the language to make it clearer or more concise. It is important to have a lawyer review any NDA that you create to ensure that it is legally binding and enforceable.


Creating a non-disclosure agreement sample is an important step in protecting your confidential information and trade secrets. By including the key components outlined in this article, you can create an NDA that works for your needs. Remember that it is always best to have a lawyer review any legal document before you use it to ensure that it is legally binding and enforceable.