Sentence Verb Agreement Worksheet

As a copy editor, it is essential to ensure that every sentence in a piece of writing has proper verb agreement. Proper use of verb agreement is critical in creating a clear and concise message that effectively communicates the intended meaning. For this reason, it`s essential that writers have a good understanding of sentence verb agreement, and a sentence verb agreement worksheet can be an excellent tool for honing this skill.

What is Sentence Verb Agreement?

Sentence verb agreement refers to the agreement between the subject of a sentence and the verb that accompanies it. In English, a verb must match its subject in number and person if the sentence is to be grammatically correct. For example, in the sentence «John walks to the store,» «John» is the singular subject, and «walks» is the singular verb. If the sentence read «John walk to the store,» it would be incorrect because the subject («John») is singular while the verb («walk») is plural.

When to Use Sentence Verb Agreement Worksheet

A sentence verb agreement worksheet is a useful tool for writers who are looking to improve their writing skills or for individuals who are learning English as a second language. It can also be beneficial to students who are studying grammar and syntax, as it offers a practical way to practice sentence construction, identify errors, and improve their writing.

Benefits of Using a Sentence Verb Agreement Worksheet

There are many benefits to using a sentence verb agreement worksheet. One of the most significant advantages is the ability to identify common errors in sentence construction that many writers make. By analyzing each sentence, and checking if its subject and verb are in agreement, writers can quickly identify and correct any errors. This, in turn, can help improve the clarity and overall message of their writing.

Additionally, a sentence verb agreement worksheet can help writers improve their understanding of grammar and syntax. As writers practice using the worksheet, they will gain a better understanding of the rules and concepts behind sentence construction. This knowledge will enable them to write more effectively, with greater clarity and precision.

How to Use a Sentence Verb Agreement Worksheet

Using a sentence verb agreement worksheet is simple and straightforward. The worksheet will typically contain a series of sentences, each with a blank space where the verb should be. The writer`s task is to identify the correct verb that matches the subject and insert it into the blank space.

Once the verb is added to the sentence, the writer can then check their work to ensure that the sentence is grammatically correct. If there are any errors, the writer can analyze the sentence and identify where the mistake was made.


A sentence verb agreement worksheet is a valuable tool for writers who want to improve their writing skills or for individuals who are learning English as a second language. By practicing with a worksheet regularly, writers can improve their understanding of sentence construction, grammar, and syntax, and ultimately create more effective and engaging writing pieces.